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4 steps to setting successful business goals for the new year

Business Tips
people in private office discussing business goals

Hub Australia

13th December 2021

5 min. read

As we near the end of 2021, it’s important to start reassessing your business goals and objectives to set yourself up for success in the new year. While the past two years have undoubtedly been challenging, they’ve also been a great learning opportunity in finding new ways to operate, market, and engage with your business, as well as helping to shed a light on the importance of attracting and retaining talent and providing a positive work environment.

With that in mind, here are four important steps to take when you’re getting organised and setting your business goals for the new year, allowing you to take a smart approach to steering your business in the right direction in 2022. 

1. Celebrate your achievements

Before you start looking forward towards the new year, make sure you take the time to reflect on the year that was. Celebrating milestones and achievements – no matter how small – is an important step in motivating you and your team, and reminding them of how they have helped the business grow, especially throughout a year of such uncertainty.

Looking back on your achievements can also help you with strategising what your business focus will be next year, and informing your customers of any important milestones you’ve reached. 

2. Adopt a positive, growth mindset

Ask any mindset coach out there; adopting a positive mindset is one of the most vital keys to success. A positive mindset can help with stress management, and seeing the bigger picture when it comes to setting and achieving goals.

A positive, growth mindset embraces the idea that everyone changes and grows through their experiences – both good and bad – and sees failure as a means to achieving success, through the simple act of learning from it.

As you’re setting goals, focus on the positive outcomes of achieving said business goals; for example, increasing revenue or becoming an industry leader. Remain open to the fact that you may experience failures along the way, which you can use to your advantage by learning from them. 

3. Set realistic business goals

Above all, it’s important to set business goals that you can actually achieve, and that align with your business mission and overall strategy. There’s no point setting targets that are unachievable as it will only result in failure and disappointment, which is incredibly demotivating.

That being said, make sure you are setting business goals that will still positively challenge you as a business, and incentivise you and your team to work hard. 

The easiest way to set realistic goals is to first break down your goals in the order of what will benefit your business the most. For example, you might want to focus more on sales and marketing and less on product development, if you feel as if a stronger marketing strategy will be more beneficial.

Once you’ve prioritised your goals, there’s a range of courses and tools available online through platforms such as Hubspot Academy and LinkedIn Learning that can help you with setting and implementing your business goals.

4. Consider the needs of your team

These days, attracting and retaining talent is more than just offering a competitive salary. Employees are gravitating towards workplaces that provide them with flexibility, opportunity, and a positive culture, as well as a workspace that caters to their needs.

The GCUC Coworking Megatrends of 2022 has identified freedom of choice, amenities, and culture as being king when it comes to employee priorities, so as hybrid work becomes the new normal, consider the individual and collective needs of your team when choosing a workspace as part of your business goals.

The days of commuting into a leased office five days a week are long behind us, and flexible workspaces provide the ideal setting for fostering team culture and collaboration. 

Hub workspaces are all equipped with premium amenities and services to transform the office into an experience rather than just a place to get work done, and foster collaboration and community through exclusive member events and networking opportunities. Set yourself up for success in the new year and secure a workspace for your team today.

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