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How a Coworking Community Can Help Your Startup Grow

Business Tips
people in meeting writing notes

Hub Australia

25th June 2015

Turning an idea into a profitable business is challenging for any entrepreneur, with a host of roadblocks, pitfalls, and learning as you grow your business.

As an entrepreneur, connecting with others and putting effort into creating a network is something that can pay off tenfold, not just in terms of startup growth. The connections you make with others during this period can offer mentorship, help with business decisions, and simply be supportive friends.

Even as a one-person business, it’s essential to surround yourself with amazing people that motivate and inspire you. Many entrepreneurs and startup founders choose to find support in a community dedicated to helping entrepreneurs grow and succeed.

Here in Australia, many coworking communities have had great success with members connecting, collaborating, and growing their businesses exponentially with the help of their community.

Coworking spaces like Hub Australia are designed to promote innovation and productivity through collaboration and networking, offering events, online portals, dedicated community managers, and more. These spaces are perfect to help you connect with other enterprising spirits who are happy to share their experience and expertise.


4 Ways a Coworking Community Can Help Your Startup Grow

1. Regular exchanging of ideas

In a coworking space, you’re able to connect and share ideas with like-minded individuals, and with those who are different too. The opportunity to brainstorm and share ideas with other professionals is limitless – take advantage of it!

Communities like Hub Australia offer a number of opportunities to make these connections, whether by hosting or join collaboration and networking sessions, participating in social events and activities, and reaching out to your community through dedicated channels such as Facebook groups, Slack channels, and online portals that allow you to connect nationally.

Read more: 7 Ways A Small Business Community Can Help You Grow

2. Make yourself and your expertise known

A dynamic and diverse community gives you the opportunity to connect and collaborate with other members. Take advantage of these to get new business and referrals.

Are you a content writer? Share your content with your community to highlight your existing work and talent.

If you’re a speaker, reach out to individuals and businesses with the same target audience as yours and develop cross-promotion partnerships.

Let people around you know who you are and where your skills are – a coworking community is an asset to your business.

3. Hire within the community

You might be a one-person team but even the best can’t do everything themselves.

When you need an extra hand or brain, look to your community to find the right people. The best person for the job might be sitting directly in front of you, or be someone they know.

You can find amazing freelancers to hire on a per-project basis which can save time and resources when compared to hiring externally.

4. Take advantage of resources in your community

Coworking communities are designed to foster productivity, with all the tools you need to start and grow your business (as well as the right blend of personal growth tools to keep work-life balance in check).

If you’re a member at Hub Australia, you have access to premium workspaces with great internet connections, meeting rooms, equipment, social activities and learning workshops, everything is designed with business and team success in mind.

Read more: Business growth with Six Park’s Ted Richards


If you’re looking for a dynamic community to join or are exploring ideas to start and grow your own business, Hub Australia is the largest Australian-owned network of coworking spaces for growing businesses.

With beautiful spaces, professional development and wellness events, and flexible terms, Hub provides workspaces that let people focus on growing their business.

Book a tour to experience one of Hub’s locations in Sydney, Melbourne,  Canberra, Brisbane, or Adelaide for yourself.

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